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Not In My Lifetime

Writer's picture: Briar MitchellBriar Mitchell

Updated: May 14, 2024

I am a Vegan and have been for a long time (23 years as of 2023) and feel I can finally put these strong feelings into words here and not just a polite email or Facebook post.

In a nutshell, the story behind this photo tells you exactly why I fight every day of what is left of my life to tell people why eating animals is killing us, and no human ever should be party to the pain and suffering inflicted on animals. - undercover workers document some seriously sick and disturbing events—including the sexual abuse of animals, from pigs to turkeys. Unfortunately, sexual violence against farmed animals is not an unusual occurrence.

If you buy/eat meat, then you support exactly what was inflicted on the pig.

We Vegans are winning. I know that upsets carrion eaters and hunters and all of the ilk that like to hurt and abuse animals, but I truly do not care. You people who do this, are making yourselves sick and your souls are blackened from the horrors you happily engage in or support. In the 23 years since I started down this road, we now have Vegan clothing lines, restaurants, stores and on and on. NONE of those things existed 23 years ago. It amazes me whenever I do see them popping up and THRIVING! GO GO GO... we need you!!!!!!!!!!

How I like seeing pigs. Happy and smiling - not raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated or brutally slaughtered.

There is NO argument on this planet to support the continued use and abuse of animals, especially by the agricultural industry. I spent over two years traveling to look at farms... and still have nightmares from the horrifying things I heard, saw and smelled... yet people continue to support these horrors. Why? Why stay involved in something that is so unhealthy and horrifying? Saying it "tastes good" really isn't a reason to support brutally mutilating, raping then slaughtering animals. Antifreeze, for your car, tastes good... but not good for you either. Hmmm....

Is it conditioning from your childhood, or do you just like knowing how much pain and suffering you cause animals or, you just don't care? I hear it all... and have lost friends and will continue to do so because anyone who engages in this filth, cannot be a friend to anyone.

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

There is a LOT of information out there about how to live as a Vegan. It is extremely easy to do... took me 12 hours, 23 years ago, to figure out. There are hundreds of sites and thousands of people happy to help you... I am happy to help you!

I hope you think about the pig every day now, and seek ways to not let anything like that happen again. We are winning. The issues with global warming are FINALLY pointing some much needed light on the farming of animals. I may not see the end of the horror story before my life ends, but we are winning.

If we do not, EVERYONE loses. Those of you with children, should be paying close attention right about now.

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3 comentarios

16 may 2023

I am aghast to learn what slaughterhouse workers are doing to animals. I have been an animal welfare advocate and vegetarian/vegan for over 40 years and have never heard of this atrocity. I am just floored.

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08 abr 2023

Most people won't eat with me cause I can't help but tell them all the things that happen to these poor animals I wish animals could talk so maybe more people would see how cruel we are to them and it's not only eating them but all the other things we do to other animals I love all animals for everyone was put here for a reason if only we weren't so close minded we could see that

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Briar Mitchell
Briar Mitchell
08 abr 2023
Contestando a

I am in the same boat with you... thank you for your comments. I appreciate hearing from you!

The massive levels of animal cruelty are just mindboggling but they do not care. The poisoned water, deforestation... all of it, is passing the tipping point and still they blame Vegans for the ills of the world that they are causing.

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